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The Southern Baptist Convention conducts its work throughout the year through eleven ministry entities, the SBC Executive Committee (which serves as “the fiduciary, the fiscal, and executive entity of the Convention”), and an auxiliary called Woman’s Missionary Union. Click the SBC entity or auxiliary below for detailed descriptions.

SBC Executive Committee

The Executive Committee exists to minister to the churches of the Southern Baptist Convention by acting for the Convention ad interim in all matters not otherwise provided for in a manner that encourages the cooperation and confidence of the churches, associations, and state conventions and facilitates maximum support for worldwide missions and ministries.

The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission

The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission exists to be a catalyst to connect the agenda of the kingdom of Christ to the cultures of local congregations for the sake of the mission of the gospel in the world.

GuideStone Financial Resources

GuideStone Financial Resources exists to assist the churches, denominational entities, and other evangelical ministry organizations by making available retirement plan services, life and health coverage, risk management programs, and personal and institutional investment programs.

The International Mission Board

The International Mission Board exists to assist the churches of the Southern Baptist Convention to be on mission with God in penetrating the unevangelized world outside the United States and Canada with the gospel and making Christ known among all people.

Lifeway Christian Resources

Lifeway Christian Resources exists to honor God and serve churches by designing trustworthy experiences that fuel ministry.

The North American Mission Board

The North American Mission Board exists to work with churches, associations and state conventions in mobilizing Southern Baptists as a missional force to impact North America with the Gospel of Jesus Christ through evangelism and church planting.

Theological Seminaries

The six Southern Baptist theological seminaries exist to prepare God-called men and women for vocational service in Baptist churches and in other Christian ministries throughout the world through programs of spiritual development, theological studies, and practical preparation in ministry.

Woman’s Missionary Union

An auxiliary of the SBC, Woman’s Missionary Union (WMU) assists churches in developing and implementing a comprehensive strategy of missions in order that a church can fulfill its total mission in the world. WMU seeks to make disciples of Jesus who live on mission through missions discipleship, leadership development and compassion ministries.