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Noah & Tarin Madden

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Today in our prayer time we want to pray for Noah and Tarin
Madden. They are students at New Orleans Baptist Theological
Seminary – yes, the one in New Orleans.

Noah is working on a master of divinity degree; Tarin, a master’s
degree in counseling. They’ll be a great team, well equipped
for a lifetime of ministry. We’re supporting them, because our
church supports New Orleans Seminary through our Cooperative
Program giving. That lowers costs to students. New Orleans is one
of six Southern Baptist seminaries we support in the country –
together they have more than 18,000 students. That’s probably
more students than all the other Christian seminaries in the USA
combined have.

There’s more: As they study, Noah and Tarin are already helping
plant a new church in New Orleans by discipling young adults
coming to faith in Christ.

After they graduate, Noah and Tarin will move to Boston, serving
as missionaries with our North American Mission Board. They’ll
plant a church to help reach about six million mostly lost people.

We’ll support them in that ministry also, through our Cooperative
Program. Let’s ask God to bless their studies and their ministry!
And let’s pray for our New Orleans Seminary.