WHEREAS, Southern Baptists stand firmly for the separation of church and state, and have repeatedly affirmed this stand, and
WHEREAS, The U.S. Supreme Court, in the McCollum decision of 1948 ruled against the use of tax-supported schools and tax funds in support of week-day religious education, and
WHEREAS, The Supreme Court’s decision in the New York case in 1952 has been misinterpreted as a reversal of the principles affirmed in the McCollum decision, although the New York plan involved no use whatever of school property;
That the Southern Baptist Convention reaffirm its unwavering devotion to the separation of church and state in its strong opposition to the use of tax funds and tax-supported schools in favor of any or all religious organizations; and
That the pastors and churches of our Convention be urged to bear vigorous witness against unlawful encroachments of local religious groups on the public school system.