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Resolution On The Baptist World Alliance

RESOLVED, That the Southern Baptist Convention hereby pledges its cooperation with all the Baptists of the world in the work of the World’s Baptist Alliance, and in promoting the Congress in Philadelphia, in 1911. It further approves of the raising of the fund to provide the passage money of one hundred continental delegates to the Congress, and that this fund shall be administered on behalf of this Convention by the Rev. J. H. Shakespeare, Secretary, and Herbert Marnham, Treasurer of the Baptist Union of Great Britain and Ireland, who shall report in detail statements of their disbursements to the Executive Committee of the World’s Baptist Alliance for its approval. Any surplus shall be devoted to the proposed Baptist Training School of Central Europe.

RESOLVED, That the members of the Executive Committee of the World’s Alliance, heretofore appointed from members of the Southern Baptist Convention, viz: J.N. Prestridge, of Kentucky; R.H. Pitt, of Virginia; W.W. Landrum, of Kentucky; and E.W. Stephens, of Missouri; together with John E. White, of Georgia; Joshua Levering, of Maryland; G.W. Truett, of Texas; and A.T. Robertson, of Kentucky, are hereby appointed an Executive Committee to represent this Convention in all matters connected with the proposed World’s Alliance.

RESOLVED, The question of seeking an amicable territorial understanding between the Northern and Southern Baptist Convention be referred to the Committee appointed in response to the communication from the Home Mission Society.