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Resolution On The Use Of Government Funds To Encourage Immoral Sexual Behavior

WHEREAS, Federal government agencies have demonstrated an increasing tendency to issue grants to groups, organizations, and institutions which promote sexual immorality; and

WHEREAS, The Centers for Disease Control has recently joined this trend, issuing a $25,000 grant to the 13th National Lesbian and Gay Health Conference; and

WHEREAS, The program of this conference will include seminars dealing with topics advertised as “Safer Sex for Lesbians,” “Creating Mythologies and Rituals for Gay People,” “Sex, Safe and Hot: Eroticizing Safer Sex for Women,” and “SEXCESSful Teen Outreach”; and

WHEREAS, The conference is but another example of government encouragement of homosexual lifestyles, with one seminar designed to assist teenagers to “come to an understanding of their Straight, Bisexual, Gay, or Lesbian sexuality in a society that assumes and expects everyone to be heterosexual”; and

WHEREAS, This grant is highly objectionable and violates the proper role and responsibility of government; and

WHEREAS, This conference and similar programs funded by our federal government violates the consciences of millions of tax-payers who expect government to uphold policies which promote righteousness; Now, therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED, That the messengers to the 134th session of the Southern Baptist Convention, meeting in Atlanta, Georgia, June 4-6, 1991, register our outrage at this CDC grant as an example of the improper and inexcusable misuse of the public treasury and the public trust; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That we call upon the President of the United States to take decisive action to ensure that such grants are prohibited in the future by means of an Executive Order requiring all federal policies to affirm the family and refuse any government funds to groups or programs which encourage sexual immorality in any form.